Database Hosting Policy

TCI Policy For Private Resume Database Hosting

TCI provides a variety of services to our customers related to hosting private databases (“Hosted Databases”), and the use of certain TCI applications in connection with such databases. These Hosted Databases are hosted either on TCI’s own servers or on third party servers (subject to contractual terms. TCI does not own the data that is in the Hosted Databases and submitted to our applications. These Hosted Databases may contain personal information about individuals, including candidates for employment and existing employees of our customers. Such data may include contact details, work history, educational history, work preferences, and other data, depending on the particular customer and application at issue, and, in some instances, may include personally identifiable information (“Personal Information”).

TCI serves as a data processor for the customers who own these Hosted Databases and utilize our applications on such data, and we therefore conduct our activities strictly in accordance with their instructions and pursuant to our contractual arrangements with them. TCI’s customers act as data controllers with respect to all such Hosted Databases. The data in such databases, including any such data submitted to our applications, is subject to the customer’s privacy policies. If you are a candidate for employment with one of our customers, or an employee of one of our customers, you should refer to the customer’s website or human resources manager to understand the privacy practices that apply to your data. Moreover, if you would like to access and review your Personal Information, you should contact our customer (your potential or existing employer) with any such requests. We will cooperate as appropriate with requests from our customers to assist with such responses.

TCI is not responsible for its customer’s privacy policies or practices.

Effective Date: September, 2016

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